A skills analysis is informing next steps for York and North Yorkshire’s Adult Education Budget (AEB).

Ahead of the Combined Authority taking on responsibility of the region’s AEB, a report has been commissioned to examine how current adult skills provision is being used in the region. Findings from the report will inform key strategic and operational decisions on how funding will be used to meet the needs of York and North Yorkshire residents.

The Adult Education Budget, which will become known as the Adult Skills Fund from 1 August, supports the delivery of education and training to people aged 19 and over. It aims to engage adults and provide them with the skills needed for entering and sustaining work, an apprenticeship, or other further learning.

As part of the region’s devolution deal, the Combined Authority will become the commissioner of Adult Skills Fund learning provision in York and North Yorkshire from August 2025.

Link to ‘Analysis of Adult Education Budget (AEB) funded provision in York and North Yorkshire.’

Published on Tuesday 30 July 2024