Data and intelligence hub

We are committed to making evidence-based decisions that ensure we are making the right investments for the people of York and North Yorkshire. We believe that by adopting a data-driven approach, we can make a positive and lasting contribution to the economic vitality of the region.

We carefully monitor economic opportunities and challenges using specialised indicators and research. This helps us assess our progress in achieving the goals outlined in our Economic Framework.

Indicators and research

The indicators and research are aligned with our overarching objectives, which are set out in the Economic Framework:

    1. Transition to carbon negative: This entails measuring carbon emissions from various sources, including transportation, housing, and industry.
    2. Deliver good growth: This involves measuring factors such as productivity, wages, and overall economic well-being.
    3. Increase opportunities for all: This means measuring levels of deprivation across the region.

The Framework also outlines specific areas where we intend to focus our efforts to achieve our goals:

Area Indicators
Housing Affordability ration, average house prices, average rent prices, EPC ratings
Thriving workforce Qualifications levels, employment levels, adult education, demographics
Well-connected economy Transport modal choices, time travelled to key employment sectors, broadband and mobile connectivity
Green and circular economy Economic value of natural capital, renewable energy sector employment, GVA
Global economy Levels of inward investment, imports/exports, growth and development within high-potential sectors, employment, GVA
Productive and innovative economy Productivity levels within core sectors (for example, tourism, retail), levels of research and developement, knowledge-intensive business
Culture and heritage Value of cultural assets
Great places for all Consideration of York and North Yorkshire’s unique places, for example, city, rural, coastal










To effectively evaluate the economic landscape and assess our impact, the indicators should be examined in conjunction with the outcomes of our projects. While we are accountable for the direct impact of our own projects, there are other factors that influence the overall economy of the region.

For more information on our individual projects, please visit the relevant pages on our website.

Carbon Abatement Pathways

Local Energy Asset Representation

Labour Market Analysis 2023

Skills Review of Priority Growth Sectors

21st Century Towns Report

Historic Environments

Priority Sectors for Growth

Internationalisation: Sub-Regional Strengths and Market Opportunities

Research archive

The York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), which has now been integrated into the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority, undertook a number of research projects to support economic growth.

Reports to include: