Creative and digital

Digital technology is at a time of rapid evolution and growth, touching every aspect of our lives. From the rise of artificial intelligence to the digital mapping of our historic attractions, the digital sector is one of the most exciting prospects for investment in York and North Yorkshire as we welcome the future.

Key information

In York and North Yorkshire our ambition is to be a part of the huge innovations in digital and creative technology. That’s why we are ensuring we have what UK and foreign investors need in this rapidly evolving sector.

Thanks to our universities we already have extensive research and development capabilities in immersive technology. Meanwhile the University of York provides world-class facilities for work on quantum communication at its Institute for Safe Autonomy.

With the digital sector already attracting significant government funding, right now we are working with partners to attract more funds into the region to develop these exciting sectors.

York is already a player on the global, creative digital stage and is one of only 22 cities around the world with UNESCO City of Media Arts status. Now we are working hard to build on the foundations we have created for clusters of digital transformation across the region.
