Free webinar

Friday 26 April – 10:00 to 11:30

Devolution will see the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority taking responsibility for the commissioning of the Adult Education Budget (AEB) in York and North Yorkshire from August 2025. Hosted by the Combined Authority, join this webinar to hear about the progress towards the devolution of the AEB. We will cover:

· A brief overview of what the AEB is

· What the data on current AEB provision across the area is telling us

· Initial findings from recent AEB focus groups and survey

· Progress towards the DfE readiness conditions that need to be met for the AEB to be devolved

· Next steps

Find out more about the devolution of the Adult Education Budget in York and North Yorkshire

To receive a link to join the webinar, please complete the registration form:


Our AEB survey is available online. Share your views to help shape plans here: