Policies and procedures

This section covers policies and procedures in place for delivering York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority’s functions: including how it will transact its business, provide and procure services, employ its staff, manage records and personal.

Our Constitution 

Our constitution (updated 13 August 2024) sets out in a single place how the Combined Authority works, its legal powers and responsibilities, how decisions are made and how it ensures decision-making is open and accountable to the public. The constitution also outlines the roles and responsibilities of the mayor and its committees.

Assurance Framework

Our assurance framework explains what activities and decisions the Combined Authority and the Mayor are responsible for and outlines how we appraise, assess and approve investment projects and programmes.

The assurance framework (approved February 2024) is reviewed annually but may be amended at other times if changes are made to our governance and assurance arrangements, or to the English Devolution Accountability Framework.

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Combined Authority members

The Combined Authority members consist of 4 Councillors.

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