Jo Coles, York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime has vowed to represent all communities of York and North Yorkshire.

Jo’s first day in office was Monday 8 July 2024 where she spent time talking to victims of crime and anti-social behaviour and finding out about the services commissioned by the Office for Policing, Fire and Crime to support victims. She also heard about services to reduce offending and re-offending.

Today’s reading of the Ethical Declaration and Oath of Impartiality was held at the North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service joint headquarters in Northallerton where Jo publicly read out her ethical declaration, vowing to represent all communities of York and North Yorkshire.

Jo Coles was joined by North Yorkshire Police Chief Constable Tim Forber and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Chief Fire Officer Jonathan Dyson. The event was also witnessed by local press and officers and staff from both police and fire services along with members from the Office for Policing, Fire, Crime, and commissioning.

Jo Coles, York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime said:


It is a huge honour to be nominated for this role and delighted to be supporting Mayor David Skaith in keeping our communities in York and North Yorkshire safe.


I will be working closely with Mayor David Skaith and other partners across the region and beyond to ensure that York and North Yorkshire is a region where residents, visitors and businesses feel safe.


North Yorkshire is a beautiful place to live and work – I was born and grew up here as well as living here now with my family. Like many people I’ve been a victim of crime, thankfully relatively minor ones, as a Councillor I’ve also supported residents who have been victims of much more serious offences. By putting victims at the heart of our work I want to ensure we make our communities safer for everyone.


It’s also vital that the public’s voice and concerns are heard. Working with political colleagues from all parties, I will ensure I hold police and fire services to account and put in place the services we need to prevent crime, keep communities safe and support victims.”


York and North Yorkshire Mayor David Skaith who was meeting with the Prime Minister and unable to attend the event said:


“Jo’s expertise and experience in political roles and working with police and crime commissioners made her a strong choice for this role.


“I’m delighted to see Jo in post and working towards our shared mission of healthy and thriving communities, where people across our urban, rural and coastal areas are kept safe and feel safe.


“Jo’s confidence and passion and ability to shape the role will build on the great work of the previous Commissioner.


“I know Jo will work well in partnership, local and nationally, to tackle challenges and drive change.”

Jo has a full diary for the forthcoming weeks but will be at the Great Yorkshire Show, on stand 328 next to Gold gate, on the policing, fire and road safety stand from 10:00 until 12:00 on Friday 12 July.

On Thursday 18 July, Jo Coles, Deputy Mayor for Policing Fire and Crime will host her first online public meeting where North Yorkshire’s Chief Constable will be held to account on behalf of the public. The meeting will focus on Hidden Crime. Questions relating to serious and organised crime are encouraged, but questions for any area of the police service are welcome and should be submitted using the online form on our website:

Read this new story on the OPFCC website and watch the video of Jo Coles reading her ethical declaration, here:

Published Tuesday 9 July 2024