Thriving Workforce
York and North Yorkshire are known for a highly skilled population, with York having the highest skills level of any city in the North. However, skills don’t always match industry needs. Emerging sectors, such as green skills, require upskilling and reskilling to keep pace with industry trends. Employers often prefer micro accreditation and bitesize courses, especially for management roles. As industries evolve, new skill sets will be needed, particularly in decarbonisation sectors like housing retrofit.
Clear Career Pathways for All Ages
Despite low unemployment rates, the subregion faces labour shortages due to an ageing population and a decline in younger workers. To fill gaps, clear career pathways will help both younger and older individuals, ensuring key growth sectors have a ready workforce. Focus will be placed on improving career opportunities for underrepresented groups, including those affected by gender, disability, and age-related employment gaps.
Empowering Communities
Skills deprivation is a significant issue, particularly on the coast, where many neighbourhoods in Scarborough are among the most deprived. Community-based learning and training can address barriers to employment and reduce social isolation, improving overall wellbeing. Healthy workplaces and support for employers are also crucial in addressing labour shortages.
Our Skills Focus for York and North Yorkshire
- Provide strong career pathways for all residents.
- Ensure business-led, adaptable skills and training systems.
- Target hard-to-reach communities and those far from the job market.
- Create a flexible and responsive local skills system in York and North Yorkshire.