Adult Skills Fund Procurement – Key Information Webinar
Tuesday 25 February 2025, 3pm-3.30pm

Prior to the launch of our formal tender exercise, the Combined Authority are delivering a webinar to help interested organisations learn more about the next steps of the procurement process for York and North Yorkshire’s Adult Skills Fund.

Who is this webinar aimed at?
Organisations interested in providing Adult Skills Fund provision in our region under Method 3 (Contract for Services via competitive tendering process) of York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Adult Skills Fund Commissioning Plan.

What can I expect?
The webinar will be hosted by York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Adult Skills Fund team. They will provide:

  • an overview of the services that the Combined Authority plan to procure
  • an overview of the projected procurement timeline
  • details about next steps

This is an information / closed webinar. The team will not be fielding any questions during the session.

What else do I need to know?
The Combined Authority are using the Crown Commercial Services ‘Adult Skills and Learning’ Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to procure services under Method 3 of our Commissioning Plan. The unique reference number of this DPS is RM6348.

Organisations not already appointed on the DPS are encouraged to start their application process as soon as possible, to allow adequate time to progress through the application process.

If an organisation is not appointed to the DPS before the Combined Authority launch the procurement exercise, they will not be able to take part. Further information can be found here.

Presentation slides here

Watch the webinar here: 

Published on Thursday 30 January 2025