York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority is developing its Local Growth Plan – an ambitious plan to drive local and national economic growth.
It will be a key strategic document to help the Combined Authority understand its priorities and aid decision-making. It will underpin what we do to drive growth, forming a basis for future funding and programmes, and against which we can assess business cases.
The Combined Authority at its meeting of 7th March 2025 agreed a consultation draft of its Local Growth Plan. This included five competitive edge sectors together with a set of local specialisms or assets that will drive growth and increase productivity.
The plan will provide a clear, over-arching strategy to guide projects and policies, so we’re seeking views from people, businesses and organisations in the region with knowledge, experience, and interest in these sectors.
Your responses will be used to shape the final version of York and North Yorkshire’s Local Growth Plan, due to be published later this year.
All sections of the questionnaire are optional – please complete as much or as little as is relevant to you or your organisation.
Please do not include any personal information in your answers. The questionnaire will close at 11.59pm on 21st April.
Fill in the survey here
Read the draft Local Growth Plan here